There are just 5 weeks until this year is stick-a-fork-in-it done… From its overcooked carcass will arise a phoenix, a new year, fresh and untarnished.
And that means just one thing, baby: New Year’s resolutions! Diet, exercise, DTMFA, careers, and of course… side projects.
All those great ideas you’ve had over the past year or two… You know the ones, right? So exciting to start, and finish never? Been there, procrastinated that, bought the domain name? And parked it!
Come 12:01am January 1st, you’re gonna tell yourself:
“This year will be the year I actually ship that damn thing!”
Charged-up and overflowing with motivation, you’ll jump right into making it happen!
But then, just a few weeks or months later — if the history and human nature tells us anything — you’ll find yourself setting a second, quieter resolution:
Forget the first resolution ever happened.
(Eeeee! It hurts because it’s true!)
Nearly all resolutions fail within 30-60 days.
Why? Because they’re insane.
Here’s how it usually goes:
- You resolve to go running every day!
- So you buy yourself a pair of running shoes… in hopes that you will be transformed into a person who slips them on every day and goes running.
- But you aren’t that person, or you wouldn’t try to make that resolution!
- So you don’t go running! At all! EVER! (Maybe even less than before!)
And those fancy resolution shoes sit in a box, in the back of the closet, gathering dust and radiating waves of guilt. Making it even less likely you’ll work up the nerve to even look at them again.
There’s your problem:
You — a rational person — try to buy magic shoes for a person who doesn’t exist.
Instead of slowly building up, you attempt to ✨wish✨ a monumental overhaul of your habits, skills, and inclinations overnight.
And when it comes to those side projects — that book, that app, that new consulting practice, whatever it is you dream of shipping — you, a person who struggles to finish, declare “This time I really will ship!” in the hopes that a well-intentioned, and powerful incantation will transform you into someone who will make it come true.
That’s why resolutions fail.
And that's why you haven't shipped your side project, either.
Instead of declaring your intention to suddenly wake up different (better!) on January 1st...
Start working on the actual, living, breathing you that exists right now. You know, the real one. Not the fantasy one that will be transformed by a ✨magical✨ declaration or the perfect great idea.
Now — before the New Year even starts — is the perfect time:
- to create motivation that lasts
- to drop the old baggage that’s held you back, and
- to build up the new skills that’ll drive you forward
Build up those 💪muscles💪, and the rest will follow!
And if you start now — today! — you could be ready when 12:01am, January 1st rolls around.
Don’t bet your future on ✨magic✨.
Make yourself battle ready
with Just F*cking Ship
the Product Power Holiday Bundle
This is the one holiday deal that will never go out of style, never interrupt you for unwanted software updates, and never shrink or stretch out.
We’ve put together an epic bundle to help you do just that, every step of the way:
- Ideas
- Mindset
- Motivation
- Skills
- Habits
- Planning
- Executing
- Marketing
- Launch
Equip yourself with everything you need to make yourself ready to achieve everything you want:
The Ultimate Package
21 PRINCIPLES, plus crash courses in Motivation, Marketing, Planning, Launch AND Content AND SaaS AND Habits AND Customer Research AND Tools!

Just F#*!ing Ship + bleeped edition (PDF)
My short, sweet, action-packed book that’ll teach you the 21 principles you need to design, break down, and execute on any project, from excuses to success, from idea to launch.
Bonus #1: How to Build a Product Biz on the Side
A motivational kick-in-the-pants recording of me and Alex, with all the gritty details and personal stories.
Bonus #2: Motivation Crash Course
Learn the winch method of motivation, and learn to love action: Ditch the carrot, ditch the punitive stick, and overcome procrastination to find motivation that lasts.
Bonus #3: Marketing Crash Course
Learn to create and implement the world's most effective (and cheapest) marketing strategy… ebombs! Hit the ground running by learning to mine your audience & your potential competitors for ideas and insights.
Bonus #4: Backwards Planning Crash Course
Overcome overwhelm, indecisiveness, and banish the question "what do I do next?" forever… plan for clarity, plan to ship, and plan to win!
Bonus #5: Launch Crash Course
Learn to design and execute a simple (but really persuasive) launch… complete with real student examples, with schedules and content suggestions for a 5- and 7-day launch sequence!
Bonus #6: Product Design Workbook
Spec out your product with actionable, achievable detail using our assumption-busting 12-step product design workbook, more detailed than you'll find anywhere else.
Bonus #7: Our Trello Templates
Use our custom-designed Kanban/Trello templates for creating a book, podcast or interview series, scoping & launching projects, ranking feature importance, and more. Plus take a peek at the actual board used to create JFS!
BONUS #8: How to Ship Your Side Project with Brennan Dunn (interview)
Psyche yourself up for the side hustle with Brennan Dunn, one of our shippingest (and most successful) 30x500 alums, who not only built a SaaS on the side of his consulting gig, he did it again by building an educational biz on the side of the SaaS!
BONUS #9: Amy's SaaS Launch Playbook, Video Edition (normally $14)
Learn how veteran Just F*#!ing Shipper Amy uses audience insights, tiny ebombs, and all the JFS principles to get to MVP in a matter of weeks (even for something complex, like a web app!) in this recorded presentation.
BONUS #10: Build a Better Ebomb Crash Course (normally $29)
Escape the “content blahs” with the content pyramid, and 4 essential ingredients for successful content marketing (aka ebombs!) your readers will trust, share, subscribe for… and buy from.
BONUS #11: Flip the Bit! Your Guide to Creating Successful Habits That Stick (normally $39)
Learn how to turn failure into success through tiny wins, and flipping bad habits into good ones with two video lessons, guided exercises, and workbook.
BONUS #12: Sales Safari Video Workshop (normally $99)
Learn to read your audience's mind! Identify pain points, dreams, the words they use that resonate, and of course, what they read, share, and most importantly, buy… in this recorded 2.5-hour workshop with video lessons, demonstrations, interactive exercises, and 45 minutes of recorded student Q&A.
BONUS #13: Stay on track and build the JFS habits with six free months of Pep (normally $174)
Eliminate overwhelm, choose from a menu of next tasks, rack up streaks, and log your progress! Design your new habits and get crackin’ with the help of Amy's recurring task management app, Pep.
BONUS #14: Stay on track and built your JFS habits with 3 free months of Noko Personal! (normally $58)
JFS principle #9 is Track Your Progress, because even when things don’t feel “done” — you’ll feel empowered by watching your effort stack up. One great way to make your progress visible? Track your time. The Pulse page will help you track your streaks!
Hurry, this deal expires in…

The Premium Package
21 PRINCIPLES, plus crash courses in Motivation, Marketing, Planning, Launch

Just F#*!ing Ship + bleeped edition (PDF)
My short, sweet, action-packed book that’ll teach you the 21 principles you need to design, break down, and execute on any project, from excuses to success, from idea to launch.
Bonus #1: How to Build a Product Biz on the Side
A motivational kick-in-the-pants recording of me and Alex, with all the gritty details and personal stories.
Bonus #2: Motivation Crash Course
Learn the winch method of motivation, and learn to love action: Ditch the carrot, ditch the punitive stick, and overcome procrastination to find motivation that lasts.
Bonus #3: Marketing Crash Course
Learn to create and implement the world's most effective (and cheapest) marketing strategy… ebombs! Hit the ground running by learning to mine your audience & your potential competitors for ideas and insights.
Bonus #4: Backwards Planning Crash Course
Overcome overwhelm, indecisiveness, and banish the question "what do I do next?" forever… plan for clarity, plan to ship, and plan to win!
Bonus #5: Launch Crash Course
Learn to design and execute a simple (but really persuasive) launch… complete with real student examples, with schedules and content suggestions for a 5- and 7-day launch sequence!
Bonus #6: Product Design Workbook
Spec out your product with actionable, achievable detail using our assumption-busting 12-step product design workbook, more detailed than you'll find anywhere else.
Bonus #7: Our Trello Templates
Use our custom-designed Kanban/Trello templates for creating a book, podcast or interview series, scoping & launching projects, ranking feature importance, and more. Plus take a peek at the actual board used to create JFS!
Get the book and JUST these bonuses for $19 (normally $39)
Hurry, this deal expires in…
The Special Deal

Just F#*!ing Ship + bleeped edition (PDF)
My short, sweet, action-packed book that’ll teach you the 21 principles you need to design, break down, and execute on any project, from excuses to success, from idea to launch.
Get JUST the book for $5 (normally $19)
Hurry, this deal expires in…

Questions & Answers
Got a question? Drop us a line at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!
How will it be delivered?
- Books: The books, guides, and crash courses are in PDF format, ideal for iPad reading, highlighting, note taking, or even (gasp!) printing.
- Videos: You’ll receive links to the video workshops and interviews, and you can download them!
- Trello boards: You’ll receive a link you can use to copy my Trello boards.
- Noko Time Tracking and Pep Cards: And, lastly, you'll find instructions to redeem 3 months of Noko and 6 months of Pep inside the bundle, which you can start anytime!
How does this CRAZY-sounding Ultimate bundle compare to 30x500?
That’s a great question! Here’s an extremely (perhaps even annoyingly) detailed answer:
Think of it like high school algebra (bundle) versus college differential calculus (30x500).
First, off the bundle: You get a slew of crash course guides and videos that will help you implement Safari, ebombing (content marketing), product design, and launch right away. Focusing on the easiest wins you can reach now without dedicating 3+ months of your life to learning every single thing. It’s more than enough to launch a successful product, or three! Even for a total beginner.
That’s why the Ultimate package is a TOTAL steal at $99.
And get this: Those crash courses? They’re actually drawn straight from an earlier version of 30x500, which helped scores of students launch 5-, 6-, and even a few 7-figure products!
Now, the modern-day 30x500 is a jawdroppingly comprehensive class with nearly 100 video lessons. Yep, you learn all the crash course stuff so you can hit the ground running… and then there are all the advanced levels beyond that. Advanced product ideas. Advanced content marketing frameworks. Advanced launch plans. Advanced copywriting. 30x500 teaches you every level of these crucial skills you need to grow and expand a business for its entire lifespan. In short, 30x500 is expert mode. And it’s a huge commitment.
30x500 also costs $1,999. So that’s another big difference: a 20x price increase. 😂
30x500 also doesn’t open enrollment again until the New Year.
Is the bundle a good way to try out 30x500 “stuff” before plunking down that chunk of change? Yes, absolutely! Buy the bundle, just f#!&ing ship something, get your “launch legs” and hell, you could even use it to make the money to pay for 30x500 when we next open the class. You wouldn’t be the first!
Still got questions? [email protected]
You know that old saying, “💩 in one hand and wish in the other, see which fills up first.”
This New Year, don’t poop in your hand (gross!), and don’t rely on high-stakes magical incantations to make your dreams come true (ouch!).
- 1. Make yourself battle-ready.
- 2. Build the right habits.
- 3. Learn the right skills.
- 4. Level up, tiny win by tiny win.
And before you know it… you’ll have achieved what you could have only imagined.
What are you waiting for?
Get everything you need to ship and sell your side projects for just $99