total amount billed chart for SaaS

On January 1st, 2009, we billed the very first customers for our brand new app, Noko Time Tracking. That day, we grossed $288. The first month, $1,500. The first year, a whopping $27,202.

There’s a lot of history to cover in 5 years; a lot of numbers to crunch. And we have big goals for 2014. I keep trying to write about all this…and it keeps getting waaaaaaaaay too long, even for me.

Who wants to read a 3,000 word essay before they get drunk and watch fireworks to ring in the new year? Nobody. (Well, maybe me. But I’m no fun.)

So, before you get drunk, snack on this delightful little info-cookie:

Below is a month-by-month revenue breakdown for the entire 5 years we’ve been running Noko, our first (and now only) SaaS.

Enjoy the total anticlimactic numberfest!

5 Years of Noko’s Monthly Revenue

Note: “Total Revenue” includes prepayments. That’s why some months seem extraordinarily good, then drop down again. There’s very little “negative growth” — it’s the prepayments at work. We’re working on a better display that’ll break recurring vs prepayment revenue into 2 parts, and amortize yearly payments in the Monthly Recurring number, but it’s not a priority.

This Dec, we had $21k in prepayments, hence the huuuge spike. Our current MRR, with those yearly payments amortized, is conservatively $38,834.

I’ve starred (*) months in the last 2 years that have wildly disproportionate prepayment money.

Month Total revenue Avg. daily revenue MoM MYoY*

Month Total revenue Avg. daily revenue MoM MYoY*
12/2013 * $57,003.00 $1,838.80 53.8% 109.0%
11/2013 $35,866.00 $1,195.53 11.1% 22.6%
10/2013 $33,349.00 $1,075.77 6.7% 28.0%
9/2013 $30,235.00 $1,007.83 5.7% 24.3%
8/2013 $29,547.00 $953.12 -11.5% 16.9%
7/2013 * $33,376.00 $1,076.64 13.5% 39.0%
6/2013 $28,463.00 $948.76 2.4% 21.3%
5/2013 $28,709.00 $926.09 -4.3% 21.4%
4/2013 $29,045.00 $968.16 6.2% 22.6%
3/2013 $28,257.00 $911.51 -1.1% 14.0%
2/2013 $25,818.00 $922.07 -9.1% 11.9%
1/2013 * $31,428.50 $1,013.82 15.3% 26.3%
12/2012 $27,268.50 $879.62 -9.8% 22.1%
11/2012 * $29,251.50 $975.05 16.0% 46.2%
10/2012 $26,062.00 $840.70 3.7% 27.9%
9/2012 $24,318.00 $810.60 -0.6% 27.2%
8/2012 $25,282.00 $815.54 5.3% 33.8%
7/2012 $24,008.00 $774.45 -1.0% 25.1%
6/2012 $23,468.00 $782.26 2.5% 36.3%
5/2012 $23,653.00 $763.00 -3.4% 32.9%
4/2012 $23,697.00 $789.90 -1.2% 55.9%
3/2012 $24,795.00 $799.83 0.5% 58.8%
2/2012 $23,071.00 $795.55 -0.9% 77.4%
1/2012 $24,875.00 $802.41 11.4% 75.1%
12/2011 $22,337.00 $720.54 8.1% 20.9%
11/2011 $20,005.00 $666.83 1.4% 66.4%
10/2011 $20,379.00 $657.38 3.2% 72.3%
9/2011 $19,117.00 $637.23 4.5% 84.1%
8/2011 $18,901.00 $609.70 -1.5% 91.6%
7/2011 $19,184.00 $618.83 7.9% 110.6%
6/2011 $17,212.00 $573.73 -0.1% 120.7%
5/2011 $17,796.00 $574.06 13.3% 154.8%
4/2011 $15,204.00 $506.80 0.6% 154.8%
3/2011 $15,610.00 $503.54 8.4% 194.3%
2/2011 $13,002.00 $464.35 1.3% 150.1%
1/2011 $14,208.00 $458.32 -23.1% 316.4%
12/2010 $18,468.00 $595.74 48.7% 365.4%
11/2010 $12,022.00 $400.73 5.0% 232.1%
10/2010 $11,828.00 $381.54 10.2% 294.8%
9/2010 $10,384.00 $346.13 8.8% 382.5%
8/2010 $9,866.00 $318.25 8.3% 363.2%
7/2010 $9,110.00 $293.87 13.1% 367.7%
6/2010 $7,798.00 $259.93 15.4% 341.1%
5/2010 $6,984.00 $225.29 13.3% 295.0%
4/2010 $5,966.00 $198.86 16.2% 242.1%
3/2010 $5,304.00 $171.09 -7.8% 217.2%
2/2010 $5,198.00 $185.64 68.7% 197.4%
1/2010 $3,412.00 $110.06 -14.0% 102.1%
12/2009 $3,968.00 $128.00 6.1% 872.5%
11/2009 $3,620.00 $120.66 24.9% Infinity
10/2009 $2,996.00 $96.64 34.7% Infinity
9/2009 $2,152.00 $71.73 4.4% Infinity
8/2009 $2,130.00 $68.70 9.3% Infinity
7/2009 $1,948.00 $62.83 6.6% Infinity
6/2009 $1,768.00 $58.93 3.3% Infinity
5/2009 $1,768.00 $57.03 -1.9% Infinity
4/2009 $1,744.00 $58.13 7.8% Infinity
3/2009 $1,672.00 $53.93 -13.6% Infinity
2/2009 $1,748.00 $62.42 14.6% Infinity
1/2009 $1,688.00 $54.45 313.7% Infinity
12/2008 $408.00* $13.16 Infinity Infinity

* We shipped Noko on December 2, 2008, the only charges we made were test charges. But I included this line in here for your viewing pleasure!

Don’t miss out on the next part of this series…

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