Ship in Six

Challenge #2: Sculpt your plan

OK, so you've read lesson 2, right? No? Well, take 5 and go do that. I'll wait. :)

Now it's time for ACTION!

In Lesson #2, you learned two key things:

One, no size will ever fit all… and neither will any one project. If you attempt to suit everyone, or do everything, you'll be working forever. And I do mean forever, as in til the end of time.

Two, therefore, to make your project an achievable size and scope, you must tailor it to the exact circumstance, person or people you want to serve. Even if that person is just you, or a buddy, or the folks on your team at work. Maybe even especially then.

You do this by taking your design and sculpting it.

Just like a sculptor takes a square block or marble or wood and removes the superfluous, piece by piece, until the figure is revealed. They can't do it without cutting… and neither can you.

Here's how you sculpt your plan:

  1. Sit down.
  2. Take out the mindmap you filled out for Challenge #1. (Didn't do it? Download it.)
  3. Grab your favorite writing implement and, if you are so inclined, a boozy beverage.
  4. Re-read your notes. Soak 'em in. Sip your drink. Look, work, feel, and do.
  5. Now think about your audience:

    Who is it? You? Your readers? Your professional peers? Your clients, or would-be clients? Your team? Your boss? Your family? Your neighborhood?
  6. Ask yourself:

    What do they like and love? What do they have and do already? What do they realllllly need?
  7. Take your mindmap and make a star next to only the features they actually want and need. That suit their purpose, their inclination, and their situation.
  8. Write a new list on a brand spanky new sheet of paper with only those starred features.

Everything on your new list should directly serve your intended customer... even if that's you.

Not sure how to implement? This can sound a little abstract if you're not already used to thinking this way, so here's a little real-world example near and dear to my heart (and this challenge):

My book JFS is designed to help my readers learn to finish and ship creative projects. I would love (LOVE!) to write an entire book all about the psychology and research on procrastination and effectuation. But, would that be the thing that helps my readers change their habits? No. No matter how fun it may be for me. Habits are changed by doing, not by reading. So JFS is organized into tight little chapters with actionable steps. Because that's what my customer needs. And: that made it easier and quicker to write!

Your next lesson drops Monday. And it's a story about allllll the things that seem necessary at first but really, really, REALLY aren't.

So stay tuned… and cut ballast so you can ship!


Did you get this lesson from a friend?

Welcome to the Ship in Six Challenge - we're here to help you start, finsh, and ship! Don't miss out on the rest of the 6 week challenge yourself, sign up below.

Scope, chunk, motivate, execute, and finally launch your project!

Join our challenge to get 6 weeks of rules and tricks from our personal playbook, along with personal stories and case studies to help you get that thing you've been wanting to finish, shipped.

When you subscribe, you’ll also get biz advice, design rants, and stories from the trenches once a week (or so). We respect your email privacy.

Here's what comes next

  • WEEK 1Start at the End, Design Your Destination
  • WEEK 2 — Cut Without Remorse, Break It Into Bites
  • WEEK 3 — How Do You Stay Motivated?, Finish Something Microscopic
  • WEEK 4 — The Myth of the Big Win, Creating the Little Win Habit
  • WEEK 5 — The Life Changing Magic of Shipping 1 & 2
  • WEEK 6 — Myth of the Big Launch, The Fear of Shipping
  • BONUS WEEK 7 — You Shipped! Now what?