Ship in Six

Lesson #10 - The Legend of the Gordian Knot

Do you know the legend of the Gordian Knot?

In short: It was an epic knot. A prophesied knot. Yoked onto an old wagon (for historical reasons of course). Word on the street was that whoever could unravel it would rule over all of Asia.

One day this dude you may know — Alexander the Great — rode into town. He inspected the knot but could not find its beginning or end. Again: epic. Everyone who'd tried the knot had failed.

But… they didn't call him Alexander the Giver-Upper.

Rather than spend a lifetime trying to pick at individual strands, he switched his focus to something easier to attack: the wagon. The knot was tied to the wagon's yoke. The yoke was providing structure to the knot. Alexander reached in, tugged out the linchpin, freed the yoke from the wagon, and the knot fell to the ground in pieces.

That's the power of attacking the problem at the root.

We naturally try to attack a problem at its edges. Whether that problem is an untidy house or a lifetime of unfulfilled — unshipped — dreams.

There's a magical moment when you stop struggling with the tiny little fiddly bits on the edges of a problem. When you spot the linchpin. When you give it a yank. When the problem yields. And can never go back the way it was.

Your life can never go back the way it was. (And that's a great thing!)

That's the moment we talked about last time.

The second half of this (epic) (knotty) podcast is about how to make that moment happen.

To focus on what you want to create in this life, rather than what you're afraid to lose.

Click to listen:

Doing it once really will change your world.

And that's the experience that can change your life.

Listen now.



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