ebomb, n - our special 30x500 term for actionable educational content marketing. Yeah, cuz that’s a mouthful. So drop a knowledge bomb on ‘em. Ebomb ‘em.

“So, I took the 30x500 Bootcamp in November of 2013 and learned a lot. The main thing that stuck out in my mind as this Giant To-Do was the ebombs, because I make content, that’s what I do, that’s what I’ve always done. Did a lot of research, hit the ground running, and just started making a whole bunch of stuff. And that’s kind of where I am today… making a lot of ebombs, a lot of marketing, and… not really sure when is the right time to step into action making a product. Should I wait until my audience is sizable? But I don’t know what that size would be…”

— Nick Piegari

Sooo… you’ve got some Sales Safari data, you’ve got some quality ebombs under your belt, now what?

  • How big should your ebombs be?
  • What if it feels like you’re exhausting a small watering hole?
  • How do you go from ebombing to a product?
  • What thing should you try, if your ebombs aren’t getting great traffic or signups?
  • What’s the best way to open up (and sell) a (free) ebomb?
  • When’s the right time to start on the product, anyway?
  • Ummm soooo… if you hear things over and over in the watering holes, what do you do with it?
  • What if the pros in your audience… uh… aren’t in love with you?
  • How is it actually kind of magical and productive to be annoying?

These are all topics we talk about in our newest “Pain to Product” coaching session with Nick Piegari from Fixing Your Video. Since taking 30x500, he’s been doing Sales Safari and using the results to create great video ebombs!

Nick’s further along than our last coachee — by a lot! — so we can dig into the meatier issues that you’ll need to tackle once you’re in motion.

Listen on your iPhone with iTunes: Stacking Bricks Podcast episode #12. Don’t forget to subscribe for automatic updates!

Or you can listen right here, right now:

Stacking the Bricks Podcast EP12 - "I'm shipping ebombs, now what?" - From Pain to Product with Nick Piegari
43 min

Even if you’re not a 30x500 alum (…yet?), the advice in this coaching session can be crazy impactful for your value-based business.


Inside 30x500 Bonus: Pop-up ebomb with Safari data!

Nick made us a special “pop-up-video” version, just for you, that includes all of the elements of Sales Safari that went into creating the ebomb – pains, dreams, fixes, worldviews, and more:

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